Fishing Adventures Await

The Best In Outdoor Gear

Trophy Landlocked Salmon

Love Our Fly Selections

Monster Brook Trout

Tested And Proven Patterns

Atlantic Salmon - The King of Freshwater Fish

Only The Most Effective Fly Patterns

Lots to Choose From

A growing list of product choices

New Arrivals

Some New Products!

Visit our store for top quality fly tying materials, fly fishing products, and the best in outdoor related gear

DcTackle & Outdoor Supply have been serving anglers and outdoor enthusiasts since 1993. From its beginning in Labrador, Canada where years of fly fishing for the many local species has served to instill in me an appreciation and respect for the outdoors and all that this land has to offer to the fisher person and outdoor adventurer.

Our Mission is to provide exceptional fishing, fly-tying, and outdoor gear while fostering a community of anglers who share our commitment to conservation, responsible stewardship, and the love of the sport. We don’t just sell gear—we provide the knowledge, expertise, and passion to help you make the most of your time outdoors